
How To Make Dough From Scratch

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Before you tin bake breadstuff, you accept to permit the dough rising. Waiting for dough to ascension tin can take hours, and sometimes you're in a rush to get your bread into the oven. Fortunately, there are a few tricks yous can effort to aid brand dough rise faster, like putting the dough in the microwave or covering it with a damp material. By using oestrus and wet to speed along the ascension process, y'all can bask your fresh broiled bread without the long wait.

  1. ane

    Preheat your oven to the temperature yous'll be baking the bread at. Commonly breadstuff is baked at effectually 350 to 500 °F (177 to 260 °C). Look at the recipe you lot're using to make the bread for specific heating instructions.

  2. 2

    Rinse a kitchen towel nether some warm water until it'southward damp. Y'all want the entire towel to be wet, but not soaked. If a lot of water is dripping from the towel, wring it out over a sink.[ane]


  3. 3

    Lay the damp towel over the dough. All of the dough should be covered with the towel. Stretch the towel then the edges are hanging off the side of the bowl or tray you're raising the dough in. The moisture from the damp towel will aid the dough rise faster.[two]

    • Use 2 overlapping damp towels if you have a lot of dough to cover.
  4. 4

    Place the covered dough near, only not on, the preheated oven. Some cleared off counter infinite right side by side to the oven volition piece of work. The estrus coming from the oven will speed up the rising process.[3]

  5. five

    Let the dough rise until it's doubled in size. Bank check the dough subsequently 30 minutes to see if it'due south finished ascension. If it hasn't doubled in size, re-cover the dough with the clammy towel and check dorsum again in x to 15 minutes.


  1. one

    Make full a microwave-safe drinking glass with 1 loving cup (0.24 liters) of h2o. Make certain the glass yous apply is minor plenty to fit in your microwave.[iv]

  2. 2

    Microwave the drinking glass of water on high for two minutes. Afterward two minutes, open the microwave and movement the glass of water to the side of the microwave to make room for the bowl of dough. Utilise an oven mitt or dish towel to move the drinking glass in case information technology's hot.[five]

  3. 3

    Place the dough you'll exist baking in a bowl. Use a basin that'due south small plenty to fit in your microwave. Don't worry if the bowl isn't microwave condom - the microwave won't be on when information technology's in at that place.

  4. 4

    Set the bowl of dough in the microwave and close the door. Leave the drinking glass of h2o in the microwave with the dough. The glass of h2o and the heat from the microwave volition create a warm, moist surroundings that will help the dough ascension faster. Do not turn on the microwave.[6]

  5. five

    Let the dough ascent for around 30 to 45 minutes. Bank check on the dough after xxx minutes to see if it'south finished. Y'all'll know it's finished rising once it'south doubled in size. If information technology'due south not washed rising, leave the dough in the microwave for another 15 minutes.[vii]

  6. 6

    Reheat the water if the dough doesn't ascension all the way. If afterward 45 minutes the dough notwithstanding hasn't doubled in size, remove it from the microwave. Reheat the glass of water on loftier for ii minutes and then identify the bowl of dough dorsum in the microwave. Let the dough go on to rise for some other 10 to fifteen minutes.[8]


  1. 1

    Preheat your oven to the everyman temperature setting for ii minutes. Set a timer then you lot don't lose rails of the fourth dimension. While the oven is preheating, beginning to bring a pot of water to boil on the stovetop. Turn the oven off later the two minutes are up.[9]

  2. 2

    Make full an oven-safe glass bowl with the humid water. Use a medium to large size bowl. Fill the bowl so the h2o line is virtually 1 to 2 inches (two.5 to 5 cm) beneath the rim.[10]

  3. 3

    Place the bowl of boiling water in the oven and close the door. Let the bowl of water sit down in the oven while you prepare the dough. The warmth from the oven and the bowl of h2o will create a warm, humid environs for the dough to rise in.[11]

  4. iv

    Put the dough in an oven-safe pan and set it in the oven. Close the oven door.

  5. 5

    Leave the dough in the oven until information technology's doubled in size. Check the dough subsequently 15 minutes to run across if it's ready. If it's not, let it rise more in the oven and check back once again in 15 minutes.[12]


  1. ane

    Get rapid-rise yeast packets. Rapid-ascent yeast comes in smaller granules, which makes it actuate faster. Quicker yeast activation makes bread rise faster. Notice rapid-rise yeast packets at your local grocery store. They might exist labeled "instant yeast" or "quick-rising yeast."[13]

  2. two

    Mix a packet of rapid-rise yeast in with the dry dough ingredients. Rapid-rise yeast doesn't demand to be dissolved in water like regular yeast. Only mix it in with the flour and other ingredients you're using to brand the dough. Check the recipe you're using to run across how many yeast packets it calls for.

  3. 3

    Skip the first rise and shape the dough later on kneading. If the recipe you lot're using calls for 2 rises, but do the second 1. Dough only needs to rising one time when it'south made with rapid-rising yeast. Skipping the first rise will cutting your full rise time in half.[14]

  4. four

    Let the dough rise one time before baking. Place the dough in a warm, boiling place to assist it rising faster. Continue in listen that lean doughs that consist of mostly water and flour volition rise faster than doughs that contain dairy, eggs, salts, and fat.[xv]


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  • Question

    Can I deliquesce my yeast in hot water and then add in my mixture?

    Community Answer

    Hot h2o will kill the yeast. Try for water that is close to body temperature instead. Do keep in mind that the longer the dough sits, the more season it develops, and so if you have the fourth dimension, having it rise and then punching it downward a few times over a day or two may yield tastier breadstuff.

  • Question

    My bread is non ascension. What can I do to make it rise?



    Community Answer

    You tin reassess how you are calculation the yeast. In that location may be something wrong with it or you aren't activating it.

  • Question

    What makes the middle of my breadstuff "gooey" after it'due south broiled?



    Community Respond

    That could exist because the bread was not baked long enough. Try blistering at a lower temperature for longer. Adding likewise much liquid or not enough flour could also cause a doughy center.

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  • A warm, humid environment makes dough rise faster by speeding up the fermentation process in the dough.

  • Take a modest bowl or a drinking glass. Add yeast and some sugar and pour some warm water (not hot) and mix information technology well until the sugar dissolves completely. And so let information technology rise for at least 15 minutes. Add the mixture to the flour, then add some h2o if required and knead the dough until it becomes softer. If you follow these steps, your dough will rise more quickly.

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  • Avoid letting dough become higher up 120 °F (49 °C) as it's rise. Temperatures higher up this signal volition kill yeast.


Things Y'all'll Need

  • Oven
  • Kitchen towel
  • Microwave-safe glass
  • Microwave
  • Basin
  • Oven
  • Oven-safe glass bowl
  • Oven-prophylactic pan
  • Rapid-rise yeast packets

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Commodity Summary X

To make dough rising faster, first by preheating your oven at the everyman temperature setting for 2 minutes. As the oven is preheating, bring a pot of water to a boil and then pour it into an oven-safe dish. Then, turn off the oven and place the dish filled with h2o inside of it while you gear up the dough. Once the dough is finished, place it in the oven with the h2o and check on information technology every xv minutes until it's done rising. To learn how to make dough ascension faster in a microwave or using a clammy towel, read on!

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How To Make Dough From Scratch,


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